Make Games, Make Money

Using AI

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Try this!\",\n // buttonLink: \"/downloads/bb3\"\n // }\n ],\n unfoldFuton: false,\n futonData: {\n futonLogo: \"\",\n title: null,\n subtext: null,\n backgroundColor: \"red\",\n backgroundImg: \"\",\n },\n product: \"heroBg\",\n};\n\nexport const heroDataMobile = {\n heroTitle: \" \",\n imageText: \"Hero Image\",\n heroImage: {\n alt: \"storygames.ai coming soon\",\n desktopUrl: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/uploads/2023_08/BB_StoryGames_Hero_AN_Opt_2160x900.jpg\",\n mobileUrl: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/uploads/2023_08/BB_StoryGames_Hero_AN_600x300.jpg\",\n lowResDesktopImageUrl:\n \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/uploads/2023_08/BB_StoryGames_Hero_AN_LoRes_2160x900.jpg\",\n }\n};\n\nexport const bbShopObj = {\n product: \"shop\",\n lightBg: false,\n lightTopLine: true,\n lightText: true,\n lightTextDesc: true,\n topLine: \"\",\n headline: \"Got original assets you want to sell?\",\n headingline2: \"Check out \",\n description:\n \"The Buildbox Shop is our asset store with tons of free and premium assets at your fingertips! Creators can find all kinds of assets to help complete their games, from 2D and 3D assets to UI elements.\",\n description2: \"Your unique assets could be the last piece other creators need to finish their game! Start selling your game assets in the Buildbox Shop today!\",\n hasButton: false,\n hasLogo: true,\n buttonLabel: \"Get Started\",\n imgStart: false,\n img: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/2022_BBShop__NeonCity 2.png\",\n alt: \"Buildbox 3 Template Library\",\n start: \"\",\n // backgroundImg:\n // \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/2022_BBShop__NeonCity 2.png\",\n logoSrc: \"\",\n descriptionButtonLink:\"https://shop.buildbox.com\",\n descriptionButtonSrc:\"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/2022_BB3_BC_BBShop_MainPage_Button.svg\"\n};\n\n\nexport const homeObjOne = {\n product: \"\",\n lightBg: false,\n lightTopLine: true,\n lightText: true,\n lightTextDesc: true,\n textAlign: \"center\",\n topLine: \"\",\n headline: `Introducing\nBuildbox AI`, \n description:\n \"With a single click, the new Buildbox AI tool allows anyone to easily create unique, high-quality characters, environments, or objects for their video game projects. Simply type what you want in the prompt box to generate stunning assets within seconds. From there, drag and drop your creations onto the Creator Wheel and start building out your game - no prior coding or design skills are required.\",\n hasButton: false,\n hasLogo: false,\n buttonLabel: \"\",\n imgStart: \"\",\n img: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/BB_AI_UI_Screens.png\",\n alt: \"Buildbox 3 User Interface Image\",\n start: \"\",\n backgroundImg:\n \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/homepage_value_prop_bg.svg\",\n clickableImg: true,\n imgLinkSrc: \"https://signup.buildbox.com/downloads/bb2\"\n};\n\nexport const testimonialsListSection = {\n items: [\n {\n title: \"David Reichelt\",\n subTitle: \"Color Switch\",\n imgSrc: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/testimonials_creator_reichelt.webp\",\n imgAlt: \"David Reichelt\",\n description: [\n `\"The best things about Buildbox are how easy it is to build a game and how quickly you can build a game. I built a game in a week that has surpassed 200 million downloads. If I didn't have Buildbox my life would not have taken a 180 degree turn the way it has. Buildbox is the tool that changed my life and enabled me to do this business fulltime.\"`\n ]\n },\n {\n title: \"Simon Crack\",\n subTitle: \"Dead Cool Apps\",\n imgSrc: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/testimonials_creator_crack.webp\",\n imgAlt: \"David Reichelt\",\n description: `\"Buildbox is the best drag and drop game builder ever created. We use it exclusively in our business to create awesome games fast without any coding. We have been featured 8 times by Apple, all games were built with Buildbox.\"`\n }\n ]\n}\n\nexport const homeObjThree = {\n product: \"homeGamesBg\",\n topLine: \"Amazing Games \\n Made Here\",\n lightTopLine: true,\n lightBg: false,\n hoverStyle: true,\n slideUp: true,\n listItems: [\n {\n title: \"\",\n lightText: true,\n img: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/nitefighter.png\",\n imgLink: \"/games\",\n descTitle: \"Nite Fighter\",\n description: \"Nite Fighter by Ben Scriven is a 3D flying arcade shooter!\",\n alt: \"Nite Fighter\",\n button: true,\n buttonCTA: \"Learn More\",\n link: \"https://www.buildbox.com/buildbox-game-spotlight-nite-fighter/ \",\n },\n {\n title: \"\",\n lightText: true,\n img: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/onewheel.png\",\n imgLink: \"/games\",\n descTitle: \"One Wheel\",\n description:\n \"One Wheel by Tap Men Games tests your unicycle riding skills.\",\n alt: \"One Wheel\",\n button: true,\n buttonCTA: \"Learn More\",\n link: \"https://www.buildbox.com/buildbox-game-spotlight-one-wheel/ \",\n },\n {\n title: \"\",\n lightText: true,\n img: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/balancestuff_v2_opt.png\",\n imgLink: \"/games\",\n descTitle: \"Balance Stuff\",\n description:\n \"Balance Stuff by VRPlaying Games makes stacking random stuff fun!\",\n alt: \"Balance Stuff\",\n button: true,\n buttonCTA: \"Learn More\",\n link: \"https://www.buildbox.com/buildbox-game-spotlight-balance-stuff/ \",\n },\n ],\n};\n\nexport const homeObjFour = {\n product: \"\",\n parallax: true,\n lightBg: false,\n lightTopLine: true,\n lightText: true,\n lightTextDesc: true,\n textAlign: \"left\",\n topLine: \"\",\n headline: \"Our Vision\",\n description:\n \"At Buildbox, we believe that creating games is for everyone. 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And we're just getting started!\",\n heroImage: {\n desktopUrl: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/ourvision_bg.svg\",\n mobileUrl: \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/neon_mobile.jpg\",\n },\n alignItems: \"left\",\n};\n\nexport const footerData = {\n heroTitle: null,\n heroSubText: null,\n heroImage: {\n desktopUrl: \"\",\n mobileUrl: \"\",\n },\n showHeadrest: false,\n hasButton: true,\n heroButton: {\n buttonText: \"Download Free\",\n buttonLink: \"/downloads/bb3\",\n isLinkExternal: false,\n linkedToDownloads: true,\n borderColor: \"#F16522\",\n buttonColor: \"#F16522\",\n hoverStyle: {\n borderColor: \"#D34D0D\",\n buttonColor: \"#D34D0D\",\n textColor: \"#FFFFFF\",\n },\n },\n unfoldFuton: true,\n futonData: {\n futonLogo: null,\n title: \"Are you ready to start creating your own games?\",\n subtext: \"\",\n backgroundColor: \"#0c8bb4\",\n backgroundImg:\n \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/homepage_final_cta_bg.svg\",\n },\n product: \"bb3\",\n footerStyle: 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undefined,\n headline: \"\",\n description: \"\",\n buttonLabel: \"Sign Up Now\",\n imgStart: \"start\",\n img: \"https://www.w3schools.com/tags/pic_trulli.jpg\",\n alt: \"Vault\",\n start: \"true\",\n isCarousel: true,\n cardItems: [\n\n ],\n};\n\nexport const emptyCardSectionObject = {\n backgroundImg: null,\n product: \"\",\n primary: true,\n lightBg: false,\n lightTopLine: true,\n lightText: true,\n lightTextDesc: true,\n topLine: undefined,\n headline: \"\",\n description: \"\",\n buttonLabel: \"\",\n imgStart: \"start\",\n img: \"https://www.w3schools.com/tags/pic_trulli.jpg\",\n alt: \"Vault\",\n start: \"true\",\n isCarousel: true,\n cardItems: [\n\n ],\n};\n\n\n// AP: TODO: these could probably go somewhere better\nexport function cardSectionForProductName(productName) {\n if(!productName) {\n return emptyCardSectionObject\n }\n\n let checkStr = productName.toLowerCase()\n if(checkStr === \"bb4\") {\n return bb4CardSectionObject\n } \n else if(checkStr === \"bb3\") {\n return 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\"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/BB2_logo.svg\"\n }\n else if(checkStr === \"soundbox\") {\n return \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/soundbox/Soundbox.svg\"\n }\n else if(checkStr === \"bbbundle\") {\n // TODO: BBBundle logo?\n return \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/BB4_logo.svg\"\n } \n else {\n // BB3 logo is most general so let's use that if we're in \"generic\" mode\n return \"https://frontend-assets.buildbox.com/BB3+logo.svg\"\n }\n}\n\nexport function faqTextForProductName(productName) {\n if(!productName) {\n return \"\"\n }\n\n let checkStr = productName.toLowerCase()\n if(checkStr === ProductCategory.BB2.toLowerCase()) {\n return faqBB2Text\n }\n else if (checkStr === ProductCategory.BB3.toLowerCase()) {\n return faqBB3Text\n }\n else if (checkStr === ProductCategory.BB4.toLowerCase()) {\n return faqBB4Text\n } \n else if (checkStr === ProductCategory.Soundbox.toLowerCase()) {\n return faqSoundboxText\n }\n else if (checkStr === ProductCategory.BBBundle.toLowerCase()) {\n return faqBBBundleText\n } \n else if (checkStr === ProductCategory.Monthly.toLowerCase()) {\n return faqMonthlyText\n }\n else {\n console.error(\"unknown product, so no FAQ: \", productName)\n return \"\"\n }\n}"],"sourceRoot":""}